Victoria 2 Divergences Wiki

Crimea (officially the Khanate of Crimea) is a small nation situated on the northern Black Sea steppe and Crimean Peninsula. Crimea borders Moldavia to the west, the Hetmanate (a Polish-Lithuanian puppet) and Muscovy to the north and finally the Xacitarxan Khanate and its puppet, Circassia to the east.


Crimea begins the game as a civilised nation, however they are very backwards in comparison to their north and western nations. They also have a small economic base, they should be able to hold themselves up, however they certainly won't be the richest nation in eastern Europe. You also have an awful Khanate Government, meaning that you have a massive debuff to research point gains, fortunately you will get an event shortly after 1836 that allows you to switch off this government, you also have the option to stay with it if you for some reason want to.

Crimea, despite their small size, has a relatively large army and can field more. Normally they are able to build up two full 30K units, and with a little research in army techs, are able to stand up to the muscovite armies that may march down on you. A possible strategy to avoiding the muscovite threat would be to either ally the PLC or Scandinavia, as both of these nations are near enough to Muscovy to be able to beat them up, and they can even take some land from them too!

Crimea unfortunately does not have a very good economy, being a nation situated on an area that is primarily agricultural in nature, means that it has few good RGOs. Yet there are plusses to its location! It is close to the state of Moldavia, which will spawn oil later, along with Baku that it can also take when it spawns oil. Non-accepted pops also pose a small problem too, as there are some Ruthenian, German, Romanian, Greek and the Jewish Krychaks in the nation, which are all minorities that aren't accepted and will therefore produce less in terms of resources.

Crimea, along with some other Tatar nations, is able to form Tatarstan and gain cores all over far eastern Europe and the Urals.
